a black x with a grey background


a black x with a grey background

God of gods

TBN Is the leader of the other gods, and the allfather of dragons. they are worshiped to for good fortune and good leadership, although they are also worshiped to for general advice. common offerings include hand crafted items, made in their image, like a wooden carved statue of them.

god of space and stars

TBN’s domain is space, they control the stars, the sun, and other celestial objects. they are worshiped to for things around animus magic, as well as advice during celestial events like eclipses. common offerings include natural items that look like stars. things like sea dollars are a great offering to TBN.

a black x with a grey background
a black x with a grey background


melsinn’s domain is the mind, they can control all dragon mind, and even other animals minds. they are worshiped to for wisdom and knowlege, and worshipped to for logic and reasoning. common offerings include things that are sentimental to the worshiper. anything that has personal worth is a great offering.


Bergfrue’s domain is the land, domesticated crops and animals. they are worshiped to for a good harvest, and for health for their oxen and reindeer. they are one of the most popular gods to worship due to their domain. common offerings include parts of the harvest like wheat or corn or meat.

a black x with a grey background


Dyreli’s domain is wildlife. any untamed land or creatures is under their leadership. they are worshiped to for wildlife to not harm anything or anyone and for good health for the flora and fauna of the wild. common offerings include fallen leaves and branches. anything natural is a good offering for dyreli.

god of of water and weather

TBN’s domain is Water and weather. any natural disasters are their work, but so is the rain that takes care of the plants. they are worshiped to for calm weather or rain in a drought. common offerings include offerings from bodies of water, like seashells or pearls. anything found near bodies of water is a good offering for tBN.

a black x with a grey background
a black x with a grey background


Rullestols’ domain is health and disability. they are worshiped to for good health. disabled dragons often worship them for better flare-ups and less flare-ups. common offerings include medical equipment like bandages and herbs. they expect less of their worshipers, and expect less offerings than some other gods.

god of death and the afterlife

TBN’s domain is death and the afterlife. they are worshiped to for a peaceful death and a happy afterlife. commmon offferings include dead animals and plants. anythinng dead or dying is a great offering to Tbn. they guide lost spirits to their afterlife, and help the family of the lost mourn.

a black x with a grey background
a black x with a grey background

God of love and fertility

TBN’s domain is love, fertility, and beauty. . they are worshiped to for more children and/or a good relationship. they are considered one of the prettiest gods. common offerings to them include gems and accessories. there are storied about their hoard of gems and necklaces and accessories that they switch out between.


Fargerik’s domain is color and compatibility. compatibility is linked to color in inkwing culture. [more info in the culture page]. Fargerik is the combination of those two aspects, combined into one. they are commonly worshiped to to find a partner or for help when their relationship isnt going smoothly. the best thing to offer to them is colorful objects.

a black x with a grey background

a black x with a grey background


Kunst’s domain is the visual arts. as visual arts is very important to the inkwings, kunst is a very commonly worshiped god, mainly worshiped to for general advice or art advice during art block. common offerings include art, any handmade items, and similar. the perfect offering is something multimedia, showing you can do multiple facets of art.

God of performance arts

TBN’s domain is the performance arts. anything performance related like choir or theater, that’s their domain. they are worshiped to for good luck in their performance, and to deal with stage fright. common offerings include set pieces from theaters, or scripts. other offerings include theater masks, and other things that represent the performance arts.

a black x with a grey background
a black x with a grey background


Verwirr’s domain is chaos. they are the trickster god, having a lot of schemes and tricks, but they arent mean hearted, just a trickster. they have no worsipers, but sometimes they recive offerings to apepase them. he is inclduded in most tales. common appeasement offerings include large catches, and idols of verwirr.